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Safety COVID-19 Announcement

Safety is paramount as we strive to protect the community, our employees, process servers and those they interact with. As the world adjusts to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), first and foremost, we are being guided by the recommendations of the CDC, WHO and other leading health organizations.

As such, we have taken a variety of actions to minimize exposure at the point of delivery, including:

  • Educating Process Servers about the virus and sharing resources on how to keep their workplace and vehicles clean.
  • Encouraging Process Servers to use good hygiene practices, including frequent handwashing.
  • Encouraging team members to closely monitor their health and seek medical attention if they develop flu-like symptoms.
  • Any Process Server who reports or displays flu-like symptoms will be asked to and self-quarantine at home and work will be reassigned.
  • Any Process Server who has had contact with someone who has tested positive will be asked to stay at home.
  • Extending our safety precautions to the point of delivery by
    • maintaining at least six feet from others
    • after confirming identity, leaving documents at doorstep

What are Servers doing to keep documents safe?

Of course, the person who touches your package last is likely the server, and it’s in everyone’s best interest to make sure they’re staying healthy. Process Servers are being trained to stay at least six feet away from anyone they serve and wearing protective equipment. Anyone who develops symptoms or has had contact with an individual who has tested positive will be asked to stay at home and self-quarantine.


Aristocrat like many other businesses, continues to monitor information about the coronavirus (COVID-19). We are making changes as required to continue the safety and health of all concerned so there is as little interruption serving our clients as possible.

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